

Our partners
Close to home and verifiable

Many of our explorations leave a lasting local legacy, through our ongoing support for community projects that we both care about, and, crucially, can directly verify ourselves. One such example, is a project that we helped finance, to open up access to international markets for a remote community of Tibetan weavers, thereby preserving the village’s unique artisanal heritage, and providing income to send their children to school.

Likewise, when demonstrating our commitment to protecting the global environment, we prefer to focus our efforts on reputable local initiatives that we are able to verify first hand, within communities that we  know. So, rather than donate a percentage of our profits to often grandiose global initiatives, we prefer to support specialist Asia-based organisations, that operate much closer to home, and are making a clear difference on the ground.

In truth, carbon is a bit more complicated, and we are continually striving to identify the most effective way of balancing our trips, working in close consultation with Hong Kong’s leading sustainability consultancy. We appreciate there is no quick and easy fix (including offsetting), but we don’t believe that you should stop exploring more remote locations just because you have a carbon footprint, or that having a carbon footprint should ever preclude you from helping to conserve and protect those wild places.

Proud of our efforts to date, we are happy to share them further.